Finding a Placement
Speaking to friends and family members about where they work may help you with finding the right employer to complete your work experience placement. You can search on google, check job advertisement pages such as Indeed or visit local shops, doctors surgeries, nurseries, garages etc and ask if they offer work experience placements. Your school may have a list of placements that students have used in the past; your Work Experience Co-ordinator can help you to use this list.
Alternatively, look through a directory such as “Yellow Pages”.
Either write a letter to, telephone, or visit the employer that you want to ask for a work placement. Prepare for this carefully in advance and ask your Form Tutor / Work Experience Co-ordinator for advice if necessary. Some employers may offer you an interview which is great way to meet the people who will be looking after you and a great opportunity for you to ask them questions too.
All placements MUST be checked and authorised by Mainframe. Let your Work Experience Co-ordinator know if you want to use an employer that has not been used by your school before.
Top tips
To make your work experience a success:
- Attend every day and always arrive in plenty of time
- Treat everyone with consideration and be polite at all times
- Be enthusiastic and show a positive attitude to your work
- Wear appropriate clothing for the placement
- Listen carefully to instructions and ask if you do not understand
- Think before you act and work safely
- If you have a problem with work talk to your supervisor
- If you can’t sort out a problem at work tell your teacher
- Keep a record of everything you do and fill in your diary if one is issued
- Send a ‘thank you’ letter to your placement provider afterwards
Health & Safety
Always remember – that you are responsible for:
- Your own health and safety whilst on placement
- The health and safety of others – anyone who might be affected by your actions
- Knowing your employer’s safety policy and rules – get to know the rules straight away
- Observing the safety rules – Health and Safety regulations should be pointed out to you at the start of your placement. Obey them at all times. Make sure you know the fire regulations, including the position of fire exits, extinguishers and alarms. Keep fire doors shut and take heed of notices displayed for your safety and the safety of other staff
- Dress safely/appropriately for the work you do
- Behave in a responsible manner
- Report – any accident, damage to equipment or hazard, to the correct person (usually your supervisor and/or First Aider)
Always report accidents and enter them in the accident book.
First Aid should always be available and you will be told the name of the official First Aider in your workplace.
Do only what is agreed in your placement description.